NEW Self Hypnosis Seminar Sat. Nov. 2nd Learn More and Sign Up →

Dr. Scarpati


Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to help you change. It is a non-invasive, non-medical, non-chemical approach of therapy that communicates with your subconscious mind to create new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors or feelings. The hypnotic state is a focused mental state. Daydreaming is a form of a focused mental state, as is prayer and meditation. In Hypnosis, we have a heightened state of suggestibility and responsiveness. This suggestibility is the essence of the therapeutic value of hypnosis in that it can help you change something that YOU want to change. If you go to an MD when you are feeling anxious – how do most doctors respond? They give you a pill. True? If you want to stop smoking, you are probably going to get a pill and if you want to lose weight, you will get a pill. Hypnotherapy is a much better and healthier approach for long lasting results. You must watch all my videos under ‘What is Hypnosis’ it will give you a true understanding.  I also will teach you the 3 most important facts about HOW TO USE YOUR MIND for happiness and success.  This life changing information will help you for the rest of your life.  Most of my clients are successful with only one of 2 sessions!

Can anyone be placed in hypnosis? Yes, anyone with an IQ of 70 or above can be placed in a beautiful state of hypnosis, providing they want to. No one can be forced into it.

Life Coaching is working with you to help achieve a goal, such as discovering your own talents and desires or improving your relationships. Essentially, I help you create the changes you want. The process helps you get unstuck and move plans forward to a successful conclusion. A therapist like myself can offer a non-biased opinion on how you have been approaching life in the past and offer new ways of seeing yourself in business, in personal life, and in relationships. My style is one of asking questions and offering opportunities that will challenge you to find answers. I apply and share all of my life experience as a successful teacher, performer, businessman, therapist, husband and father. I have also coached quite a few baseball and basketball teams in the past for my sons.

I apologize for the boasting I am about to do, but all 3 of our adult children are hugely successful with their personal lives and their respective careers. My daughter is a Emmy nominated TV producer.’ One son is an entrepreneur who has his own business  (over 50 employees) helping people with finances and retirement plans.  Our youngest son has a masters in Engineering and works on electric cars. I bring an amazing skill set to the table in terms of Life Coaching that will help you on many levels. You will have 100% of my focus and support along your successful journey to move forward. Some Life Coaches want to sign you up for 3 months or even 6 months. I do not work that way. After our initial session, we can discuss what will be most beneficial for you and your success.

NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming is an effective approach to communication and personal development that has been in use since the 1970’s. (Neuro) Neurological (Linguistic) Language, is a system that breaks down communication to its smallest parts. All of our experiences, thoughts, feelings and images are in our nervous system. Everything that happens, and everything you experience, is between your ears and is personal to you. As an example, go back in your memory bank for a positive memory. Think about a time when something happened that created happy and positive feelings. Now, how did you store that memory? Some of us may recall visually, for others it will be a kinetic (feeling) experience and for others it will be auditory, or a combination of all 3. So the way you interpret the world at the level of your nervous system can be explained in NLP terms. Once you understand how it works, you can use it to achieve any goal you want. Obviously, there is a lot more to it, but it is an AMAZINGLY powerful tool that I use all of the time. One of my teachers is the motivator Tony Robbins. He uses many of these techniques.

Spiritual Counseling also called ‘Readings’. The way I work – you bring 2 or 3 questions that you are seeking answers and guidance. After we talk, I channel information based on your questions. I studied under Doreen Virtue who is one of the best in the world. Doreen has authored 5 books. The ‘Light-Workers Way’ is one of my personal favorites.

Past Life Regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover past memories of past lives. Past life regression is typically undertaken in pursuit of a spiritual experience. There have been 1,000’s of books written on the subject but the most popular one out there today is “Many Lives Many Masters’ by Brian Weiss MD. When I first started out in the hypnosis field I was not sure about this, but when I had the experience of it myself, my attitude changed. The information gleaned from it made sense to me. I’ve personally been regressed many times and have had numerous clients go through it.

Nutritional Coaching is guiding you to maximize your health by eating the right foods that bring about optimal health and life style.  I will also discuss supplement Suggestions.